¿Alergias en casa? Cómo debes limpiar para evitarlas

Allergies at home? How you should clean to avoid them

In recent years, allergies at home have skyrocketed. It is common for us to experience symptoms such as congestion, itchy eyes, or sneezing when we enter our house. Although it may seem strange, the air in indoor spaces like the office or our home can be more polluted than the air outside. Suffering from allergies indoors is a disorder that more and more people are experiencing.

Dust, mites, and pet hair are abundant in rooms, especially in the bedroom and, specifically, in the mattress. Even if we regularly clean our house, it is essential to thoroughly clean the sources where allergens accumulate. What causes allergies in your home? How can you keep the house clean? We will discuss all these aspects below.

What is an allergy and its types.

Allergy is an abnormal reaction of our body to substances that can be inhaled, ingested, injected, or come from insect bites. Allergy causes an alteration of our immune system. The function of the system is to defend our body from external and internal invasions through antibodies. Therefore, allergic people experience exaggerated reactions to certain substances that are harmful to them but harmless to the rest of the people. Contact with allergenic substances causes them alterations that inflame the skin and mucous membranes and manifest in different ways. Indoor allergies are among the most common. Among these, you can find the following.

Dust and dust mites, can be avoided with a vacuum robot

The most common cause of allergy in indoor spaces is dust mites. Although we cannot see them, these mites are another inhabitant of our home. They are microscopic organisms that live in all houses. Their favorite places to multiply are warm and humid spaces like bedding, pillows, and mattresses. They feed on dead skin cells that our bodies shed. The dust that accumulates at home is composed of fabric fibers, dust mites, and pollen. The allergy we develop to these beings is, in reality, a hypersensitive reaction to the proteins present in the fecal particles of the mites.

Breathing these proteins can cause allergic reactions that result in rhinitis, asthma, or conjunctivitis.

Mold allergy

Mold is an allergen that frequently lives outdoors , but we can also find it in humid areas inside our homes. Its spores travel through the air and, when we inhale them, they cause allergic reactions. Among the most common reactions are asthma and other respiratory conditions. The maximum levels of mold growth and accumulation occur from late summer to fall and depend on the humidity of each area. Like dust mites, mold loves humidity and darkness.

Inside the house, mold tends to proliferate in air conditioning filters and humidifiers, which helps it spread more quickly throughout the house.

Pet Allergies

In fact, pet allergies are not due to animal hair, as is commonly believed. The allergens that pets produce are dead skin cells that regularly fall off during shedding. These cells stick to the fur, as does saliva when animals groom themselves. The saliva dries and easily moves through the air, causing people to inhale it.

Pollen Allergy

Pollen allergy is one of the most common cases. When our body comes into contact with pollen, it activates defenses and the symptoms known as “hay fever” appear. Pollen is a fine powder generated in the stamen of flowers with the purpose of fertilizing other plants. Since it is very small and light, it remains suspended in the air, can spread with the help of the wind and travel long distances. The months of greatest pollen abundance are between spring and fall.

How to keep allergies at bay in our home with a stick vacuum cleaner.

The most effective way to prevent allergies is to avoid coming into contact with the allergen. However, household dust is almost permanently present, even in the cleanest homes. Cleaning with vacuum cleaners daily is one of the best solutions.

We must always keep our house as clean as possible. For this, it is advisable to use a robot vacuum Tidy Random or a stick vacuum Rider Pro with HEPA filter, which captures microscopic particles.

Thoroughly clean the dust from your furniture is another highly recommended measure. It is better to use a damp cloth to prevent the appearance of mites.

We have already mentioned that humidity is a key factor in the appearance of mites and mold. Ideally, our home should maintain an ambient humidity between 50% and 60%. When the amount of humidity is high, it is advisable to use a dehumidifier to level it. You can also regulate humidity using air conditioning.

If we have pets, we must keep them away and out of the bedroom. We can use a handheld vacuum cleaner to thoroughly clean sofas and other surfaces where our pets sit.

Carpets and rugs are nests for mites. If we suffer from allergies, it is better to get rid of them. Or we can buy washable ones. The same goes for stuffed animals and other fiber elements.

Regarding bedding, it is important to use anti-allergy covers for the mattress and pillows. We should wash bedding weekly at more than sixty degrees. It is better to use polyester pillows and washable blankets.

It is recommended to clean showers and bathrooms with products containing bleach. Just as we recommend not having carpets, if we have curtains or blinds at home, it is better if they are washable. It is also not advisable to have indoor plants.

These are recommendations to keep allergies at bay at home. Regularly washing bedding and ventilating bedrooms daily is essential. Cleaning is key to keeping our homes free of mites and dust.

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