Track your order

Hello! We know that you want to be informed of the status of your shipment and that is why we have developed a series of automatic emails, which are triggered when your order changes status, so that you have updated information at all times:

1.- Order Sent! You will receive an email when your order has left our Warehouse, remember that:

    1. If you have bought before 12 in the morning We promise to get it out on the day!
    2. If not, although we will do our best to prepare it, expect that we need a day to prepare it ;)
2.- Delivery order! When the distribution of your order begins, you will receive an email from our transport provider, be attentive, because if you are not at home, in the same email you will receive the necessary information to make changes to the date or place of delivery .

Depending on your postal code and the weight of your order, your package will be delivered to GLS, SEUR or DHL, we always have what we consider to be the best supplier for you, with the aim of offering you a good service. In addition, we optimize the cost so that you have the best price!

3.- Incidents during delivery! We know that we are not perfect, and although we are very proud of our on-time delivery rate, there are always errors, that is why we will try to anticipate and inform you of any problem that may occur during delivery, these 3 are the typical ones:

    1. Incorrect or Incomplete Address: eye! Double check the shipping address on your order! 90% of delivery incidents are related to this reason. You will receive an email informing you that the carrier has not been able to make the delivery due to an error in the address.
    2. Absence of recipient: We will notify you if our transport provider notifies us that no one has been found at the delivery address. If you are not going to be at home, modify the address or the delivery date in time! We can be faster than it seems...
    3. Delivery issue! We will contact you if our system detects that a shipment is out of date and the carrier has not updated the status of the shipment.
4.- Order Delivered! Once you have the product in your home you will receive an email with a satisfaction survey, Get wet! Your opinion is very important, it helps us improve the customer experience and why not, to get excited when a customer thinks we have done well.