Chocolate muffins with Oreo cream | Halloween Special
- 250g of Ricotta
- 80g of butter
- 35g pure cocoa powder
- 150g of sugar
- 1 yeast
- 3 eggs
- 100g of butter
- Small chocolate pepitas (for decoration)
- Lacasitos or colored sweets (for decoration)
- 1 packet of oreos
- 100ml of cream to mount (35% m.g.)
- 50g of sugar

Let's cook
For muffins:
- Beat the eggs and mix them with the sugar. Keep beating until the sugar is perfectly integrated and the mixture is creamy.
- Add the ricotta. Also the previously melted butter.
- Mix everything well and add the flour, yeast and cocoa.
- After mixing for a minute, you will see that the dough begins to see smooth and without lumps. This is how it has to stay!
- Pour the dough into molds for muffins and cook into the Air Fryer for 15 minutes at 170ºC or until you see that when you introduce a stick or a knife it comes out clean. You can also do it in the form of a cake, the difference is that you will have to leave it about 5-10 more minutes.
For oreo cream:
- Separate the two parts of an Oreo cookie carefully. One half, the one with the cream, reserve it as it will help you for the decoration. We are going to use the other half, the black part. You should do this with about 10 cookies.
- Crush these halves with a hand blender.
- Apart from, batting liquid cream until it starts riding. It will be easier if the cream is very cold.
- Add the cookies you just crush together with about 50g of sugar.
- Keep beating until everything is integrated. You should be a cream mounted from Oreo, quite dense.
For decoration:
- Decorate the muffins with the oreo cream you just made, until they are totally covered. Failing that, you can also cover only the part, which is essential. If you opt for the second option, it will be helpful to use a pastry bag.
- Place two halves of Oreo cookie from which you had reserved (those with the white part). You will see that thanks to the Oreo cream they are perfectly glued to the top.
- In each half, place a chocolate cup, as an eye.
- To simulate the mouth of the bat, add a chuche between the two oreos. And you already have your Halloween bat!