Classic-Green, the seasonal smoothie
If you're on the hunt for delicious smoothies, first of all, make sure to use seasonal ingredients and, secondly, give them a special touch!
In today's blog, we present you with a recipe made with seasonal fruits and vegetables, so you can enjoy your smoothie and spring as it should be.
Smoothie Classic-Green
Yes, one of the smoothies we recommend for these spring months is the classic banana and strawberry. And you might be wondering, why do I recommend such a simple mix? And, why is it green? Don't worry, the smoothie is really mainly made of banana and strawberries, but at Mellerware we like to give the final touch to those things we know work.😉
- 1 Banana ✔️
- 4 or 5 Strawberries ✔️
- 1 Handful of fresh spinach ✔️
- 1 Small handful of chia seeds ✔️
- 1/2 glass of water ✔️
Why spinach and chia seeds in a classic?
Spinach is a vegetable that is best consumed during the spring season, and knowing the great benefits it brings to health, including it in a smoothie like this is a great option. Its flavor, along with the banana, adds density to the mix and makes it even more delicious in contrast with the strawberry.
Chia seeds and spinach are two great allies, and mixing them is a very “gourmet” option. Together, they give a bitter and dry touch to the mix that makes it not so sweet and adds a much more interesting flavor. If you've never tried the seeds and you're not familiar with them, they have a flavor similar to that of nuts, which combines so well with vegetables like spinach.
These two ingredients, apart from being seasonal ingredients, and when combined create an excellent flavor, they also have very good health properties that give even more reasons to add them to the mix.
Properties of the ingredients
The banana is one of those fruits that can be used throughout the year and wherever you add it, it will always bring good flavor to your recipe. It is characterized by a high content of carbohydrates and vitamins A, E, and C. The banana is a great ally to soothe stomach acidity, and its components make it a very versatile fruit, meaning it is easy to combine and has a very stable flavor that will always add smoothness and body to any recipe.
It's not always a good time to add strawberries to your smoothie. The strawberry likes to sunbathe 😎 and, for that reason, it is a fruit recommended during the spring and summer seasons. That's why, if spring has arrived, you have a piece of banana on hand and, of course, a Mixy or Smooth blender in your kitchen, don't hesitate to add strawberries! Strawberries are also a very healthy fruit. Regarding its properties, it stands out for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as its ability to strengthen bones and regulate intestinal transit.
The spinach is a vegetable recommended during the mid-season, autumn, and spring. It is one of the most antioxidant foods that exist, as well as one of the vegetables richest in proteins, vitamins (A, C, and E), and minerals (iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and calcium).
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are magic. It seems impossible how something as small as seeds can provide so many health benefits. They contain a large dose of omega-3, an essential fatty acid for the body with properties that help regulate both blood pressure and cholesterol.
From Mellerware, we encourage you to try this delicious spring smoothie that, besides its special flavor, will make you start the day with more energy than ever.
To make this smoothie as well as many other recipes that we will be publishing, we recommend using any of our blenders.