golpe de calor en los perros

Heat stroke in dogs: everything you need to know to prevent it.

The arrival of summer with its high temperatures can put the health of our animals at risk. Keep in mind that a heatstroke It is considered a serious veterinary emergency and, therefore, you must give it the importance it deserves. Although it is a very common setback during the summer period, it can occur in various ways and at any time. Therefore, in this article we will tell you everything you need to know in order to prevent it and how to act if necessary. Let's start!

canine hyperthermia.

Before going into the matter, you need to know what you are going to face. The concept " hyperthermia " refers to the increase in body temperature above normal or healthy values. As in all types of anomalies, it is necessary to know their origin in order to know how to act accordingly. In this sense, despite the fact that the usual origin is usually fever caused as a response to infectious processes or viral diseases (pyrogenic hyperthermia), the heatstroke that we analyze in this article (non-pyrogenic hyperthermia) is also among the most frequent possibilities.

heat stroke dogs

Elements that favor heat stroke in dogs.

Dogs, like people, are exposed to the characteristic setbacks of summer. However, there is a series of risk elements that favor them and that it is essential to know in order to prevent its appearance :

  • Heart disease : Heart disease such as heart murmur or heart failure can cause other serious problems if they are combined with intense exercise or high temperatures. For example: fainting, tiredness or coughing.

  • Tracheal collapse : Dogs suffering from this chronic condition obviously have greater weakness to heat and this can cause coughing, tiredness and even fainting. Although surgical control is possible, never neglect his medication or his weight.

  • Obesity and overweight : As we have just mentioned, weight control is paramount. Overweight dogs are prone to more health problems and have a really hard time with rising temperatures.

  • Brachycephalic dog syndrome : Far from what it may seem, it is a condition relatively common in breeds such as the shar pei, English bulldog, or boxer . In case you didn't know, the airways can be obstructed causing breathing problems and even causing a collapse.

  • Laryngeal paralysis : This pathology that affects, above all, to elderly dogs , it is potentially detrimental to the health of dogs and can cause severe respiratory problems. Even so, it is possible to maintain control with medication in mild cases or apply surgery if the situation requires it.

As we have previously mentioned, despite the existence of risk elements or agents, no dog is free from suffering this kind of mishap if it does not receive the appropriate attention and care .

heat stroke dogs

Learn to recognize the symptoms of heat stroke in dogs.

As obvious as it may be, the main tool to detect if our pets are in good health is the observation If you start to notice variations in their behavior suddenly, suspect because something is not going as it should. Next, we discover the signs that you should take into account to act as soon as possible:

  • The adequate body temperature is between 38 and 39 degrees . Any number above this range is a clear indicator that something is wrong and needs to be examined by a specialist. Remember that the only reliable way to measure temperature is by using a thermometer.

  • A fast heart rate , fast breathing Y gasps with drool are some of the symptoms of heat stroke .

  • The gums and mucosa they may adopt a bluish tone produced by low levels of oxygen in the blood.

  • The lack of balance , muscle weakness r and presence of tremors It is also typical in this type of situation because of the decrease in sugars and salts in your body. Also, they are not disposable. diarrhea and vomiting .

  • In more serious cases, the dog may suffer kidney or liver failure , hemorrhages , loss of consciousness , multi-organ failure Y brain damage .

What to do to avoid heat stroke in dogs.

Once we have already seen the most notable signs to detect possible heat stroke, it is time to learn how to avoid heat stroke in dogs:

  • Provides good hydration : Make sure your dog has clean, fresh water at all times. In Mellerware we have a automatic drinker that will make your task easier.

  • Follow the correct routine : The period of time of greatest activity should be within the coolest range of the day.

  • Avoid prolonged confinement : Do not leave your dog in a carrier for longer than is strictly necessary. In reference to this, keep in mind that the temperatures change suddenly in the summer time.

  • Look for shady areas : At any stop that is made during an excursion or walk, it is vital to find a shady place so that the animal does not suffer excessively.

automatic drinker

How you should act in the face of canine heat stroke.

Despite the fact that we have learned to prevent possible heat stroke, it can happen without our being able to remedy it. To do this, we offer you the steps you must follow to act in the best way:

  • Get the dog out of the sun and move it to a cool place . In fact, if you have access to a fan, you can gradually cool it down by running it on low power.

  • Apply damp cloths (not cold or icy) on the neck, head, legs, chest and belly. Instead, do not bathe or cover the animal under any circumstances.

  • keep your mouth hydrated with a spray .

  • Take your temperature frequently until you notice improvement or until it drops to 39 degrees.

  • go to the vet to check recovery and rule out other problems.

After reading this article it is very clear how to prevent and act before a possible heatstroke of our pets. Remember that in Mellerware We have the right team to help you with your care and with everything you may need. Come take a look!
