tipos de café

Types of coffee and elaborations, enjoy at home!

there are manycoffee typesthat you can taste thanks to theMellerware cafeteria, which offer you a quality product, with all the flavor and aroma that show its exquisiteness. So that you can try a great variety, we bring you the recipe for 7 coffees that you cannot miss.

Types of coffee depending on the plant

We start by showing you eachtype of coffee and its origin, depending on your plant. The coffee tree can be found as a plant or bush. Those coffee beans you know are actually the seeds of the fruits, called coffee cherries. From each fruit we obtain two seeds.

It is necessary to highlight the two types of seeds used for the elaboration of coffee. On the one hand, thearabica coffeeis known for its qualitygourmet. With less caffeine and much more aroma, it requires up to eleven months to fully mature. Its top producers are in America, highlighting Colombia and Brazil.

On the other hand, therobusta coffee, which is grown mainly in Africa, Brazil and Southeast Asia, contains twice the caffeine compared to Arabica. It takes up to eight months to mature, highlighting its rounded shape.

Types of coffee depending on its preparation

The elaboration that is mafromof each coffee, by the brands or the presentation that they offer you, can be very different. Since finding youcombined coffeebetween robusta and arabica, until being elaborated one hundred percent by one or another seed. This information should be found on each package.

Also, you will see the region inwhere was it harvested. The higher the height, the better the quality. This happens because it takes longer to mature, preserving more flavor and aroma.

The toastIt is another very important indicator that you must take into account. Dark roasts are oriented for espresso coffees. The medium roast warns you of its high caffeine content, while the light roast maintains its original flavor. Avoid completely black beans, as they will have lost the quality of a good coffee.

tipo de cafe helado

7 specialty coffees at home, step by step!

These7 types of coffeeYou can easily do them at home, with the help of acoffee makerMellerware. In addition to being delicious, you can surprise any guest or your family.

Do not forget to accompany each coffee with a dessert appropriate to its sweetness or bitter taste. This will allow you to taste it better. No doubt everyone will want to visit you more often.


In thecoffee makerSuper Automatic Mellerwareyou can prepare your espresso. In a cup you are going to divide three equal parts. One will be for the espresso you just made, another for thick chocolate, and the third for adding milk. Mix well and achieve that striking foam with the help of your coffee maker. On top of this add cinnamon powder or cocoa.

For himcafé mocca, an accompaniment of shortbread cookies is perfect, because the sweetness of the coffee is perfectly combined.

Irish coffee

TheIrish coffeeIt has the peculiarity of being served in a special cup or glass, which you can find in many stores. To start, you must pour a splash of Irish whiskey, with sugar to your liking. Then you add freshly brewed espresso, which you can make in yourcafetera Bari Legend de Mellerware.

Next, add lightly whipped cream, stirring very slowly. This remains on the surface, leaving your coffee ready to drink.

Irish coffee can be accompanied by a slightly sweet chocolate and even with milk.


For himcappuccino coffeeyou require espresso, to which you must add foamed milk. This is achieved with the help of acoffee maker with steamer. The amounts of milk and coffee will be the same. You should serve it in a large cup and sprinkle cocoa or cinnamon on top, according to your taste.

It is perfect for breakfast, being a good companion to toast with butter or some delicious pancakes.


For the sweet tooth there is thebonbon coffee. Again you will require espresso, preferably concentrated and high in caffeine. It is normal to see it served in a small crystal glass, where the two predominant colors can be seen. Above, occupying two thirds, the black coffee. Below, the light shade of condensed milk, which will be a third of the glass.

Once served, it should be mixed well. You can drink it hot or with a lot of ice, depending on your tastes. A dark chocolate bonbon or a little sweet paste are the best accompaniments.

cafe o frappe


TheIce coffeeYou can do it with espresso or, where appropriate, you can use soluble coffee. It carries milk and is characterized by being served very cold. Many resort to crushed ice or take it to the granita point.

You can complement it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, inside it, instead of adding milk. A touch of chocolate syrup is perfect.

You come

In the case ofviennese coffeeIt looks a lot like cappuccino. In this case, a little hot milk is added to the espresso coffee, in addition to a minimum of cream, which will remain on the surface. On top, a little sprinkled cocoa, apart from decorating it, will give it a delicious flavor.

Because you are facing a long coffee, you can perfectly accompany it with a particularly sweet dessert, such as a cupcake or a slice of cake.


Theaztec coffeeis defined by being perfect for the hot season. Cold espresso is served in an elongated glass. A scoop of chocolate ice cream is placed on it. Again a layer is added, this time of whipped cream, to finish with grated cocoa on top.

As it is a fairly sweet recipe, it does not need an accompaniment, although you can always put a wafer decorating its surface. To take it, you choose if you go little by little or if you mix it all.

As you can see, there are manycoffee types. There is always one for each moment. Choose the most suitable one and surprise your loved ones with the help of a coffee makerMellerware, which allows you to achieve the best quality and create that characteristic foam in some versions of coffee, such as the ones we have shown you.
