Contact information:

SDA Europe, SLU
Mercantile Registry of Lleida in Volume 47136, Folio 133, Page 542316.

Calle Balmes 351 1º 1ª Barcelona 08006 Spain

Contact email:
Telephone: 945551246



This document establishes the General Conditions of Use of the software for mobile phones "Mellerware" and other computer programs or websites related to it (hereinafter jointly, "applications").

The access and use of the mentioned applications is conditioned to the reading and acceptance of the terms and conditions established in this document.

SDA Europe, SLU may modify these Terms of Use, the new terms of use being applicable at the time of their publication. The new conditions of use will be understood to be accepted at the time the applications are accessed and used after the publication of the new conditions of use.


Access to the applications is free and open, although, in certain cases and to access certain services, you may be asked to register as a user.

During the registration process, a password and a username will be created, which must be kept secret by the user, who is responsible for the actions that may be carried out through its use. SDA Europe, SLU has prepared an informative document in relation to privacy and the processing of personal data, which includes, among other content, the ownership, collection, use, disclosure, storage and protection thereof. The user must authorize and give consent for the processing of personal data after analyzing the information offered related to this topic. The user is responsible for the accuracy, reliability, completeness and legality of the data entered.

In the event of malicious or fraudulent use of your password, username or email, please contact SDA Europe, SLU using the email or telephone numbers indicated in this document.

Certain specific services may be paid for, which will be clearly indicated and for their use, acceptance of the corresponding general conditions of sale will be necessary.

Service, access, content and responsibility

The application offers intelligent equipment management services, which allow access to the intelligent terminal and interconnection between intelligent equipment. The contents of the Service include management of intelligent equipment, interconnection of areas, data and information, etc. These features may be enhanced or modified in accordance with changing user requirements or at the service provider\'s discretion, and service provision may be suspended due to scheduled or unscheduled maintenance.

The user accepts that part of the SDA Europe, SLU service is based on software or services provided by a third party, in order to facilitate its application. SDA Europe, SLU has the necessary legal authorization from the third party.

The product includes information and specific services of the third party. SDA Europe, SLU does not control or assume responsibility with respect to the information and services of the third party.

The user accepts that SDA Europe, SLU cannot guarantee that the application will always use or include said services, or that other software provided by the same third party will be used in the future. You may also use similar services provided by another third party. Upon application, the corresponding software or services mentioned are subject to this Agreement.

SDA Europe, SLU makes its best efforts to keep the applications accessible at all times, although maintenance work or other circumstances may cause minor interruptions in the service.

The contents (including text, sounds, images and graphics) included in the application are disclosed for informational purposes only, for your personal and non-commercial use and in its current state. SDA Europe, SLU dedicates its best efforts to ensure the validity, accuracy and reliability of the application, although due to the limitations of technology, it does not grant any guarantee and cannot guarantee that it is correct, complete, accurate, free of viruses or similar or that meets the needs and expectations of the User.

SDA Europe, SLU is not responsible for the direct or indirect consequences of accessing or using the application and its content or for the impossibility of accessing or using it, for direct or indirect losses derived from the use or impossibility of using the application. , or breaches of third parties.

SDA Europe, SLU is not responsible for the content of websites or other applications owned by third parties to which a hyperlink or link may have been made. These connections or accesses, as well as the use of the content of third-party websites, will be governed by the conditions of use established therein and in any case everything related to them will be the responsibility of their owners and users.

The User must make good use of the services that can be provided through this application, the content and its computer support, so that they cannot carry out illegal activities or activities contrary to current regulations (among others, propagating or sharing computer viruses, worms, malicious codes or software that deliberately damages or changes the application or computer data, hinders the proper use of the same by the rest of the Users, causes overloads in the server or interferes or causes damage to the server, treat to obtain information from other users without authorization).

It is the responsibility of the User that all content published by him in the application, is suitable to be published, considering that it is not, among others, the publication of illegal content, that infringes the rights of third parties, defamatory, not constructive, not truthful, incorrect , obscene, that promote inequality or promote in any way degrading, discriminatory, illegal or objectionable activities, the User being solely responsible for it.

SDA Europe, SLU will determine if the user is involved in violations of the rules established here and may suspend, restrict or cancel access and use of the application.

SDA Europe, SLU may remove content that violates these rules or is considered by SDA Europe, SLU as not suitable for publication, although this power does not imply any responsibility of SDA Europe, SLU, nor any obligation regarding what is published by the User. What is published by the User responds exclusively to his opinion or comment, and SDA Europe, SLU does not endorse any of the statements expressed by the Users.

If you consider any content that can be accessed through the SDA Europe, SLU application (including its computer programs) to be illegal, please notify us through the indicated means as soon as you become aware of it.

The User is responsible for any consequence caused by the obtaining and/or use by the user of unauthorized applications or software.

Any information sent by the User will be considered as free of industrial and/or intellectual property rights of any kind and will constitute a publication for the purposes of the regulations on industrial and intellectual rights, for which it may be disseminated, published or reproduced totally or partially by SDA Europe, SLU

The User may not use the application for commercial purposes. This prohibition will not apply to those commercial services that may be offered directly by SDA Europe, SLU.

The User therefore agrees to indemnify SDA Europe, SLU (and its workers and collaborators) and compensate it for all damages, expenses, costs (including attorneys\' and solicitors\' fees) that may arise through lawsuits, claims, complaints or similar , as a consequence of the opinions or comments sent and published by the User in the applications or for any breach of the rules established in these general conditions. The User expressly declines any responsibility of SDA Europe, SLU (and its workers and collaborators) in case of disputes or controversies between users of the application.

SDA Europe, SLU may modify, update, add or remove the application or relevant functions of it at any time without prior notice, as well as restrict the use of it to any person for any reason at its sole decision. SDA Europe, SLU does not acquire any obligation or responsibility in relation to the storage or publication of the content sent by the User, being able to delete or not publish any content sent by the User.

No hyperlink may be established to the application of SDA Europe, SLU without the prior, express and written authorization of SDA Europe SLU.

Your use of the application is based on support services provided by third-party companies. The breach by the user of terms, agreements, rules, notifications and other relevant regulations of SDA Europe, SLU and third-party companies may cause a breach of the proper use of the application; in such case, SDA Europe, SLU may exercise its right to suspend, restrict or cancel access and use of the application.

In case of breach by the user of the Agreement or other agreements signed with SDA Europe, SLU, this company will have the right to inform related companies to require that they adopt restrictive measures with respect to their rights and interests, including the request to the corresponding companies to suspend or cancel all or part of the services they provide to the user, and announce their breach of the agreement on the websites that these companies effectively operate or control.

The application is downloaded from the download platform and the user shall abide by the provisions of the download platform, the system platform and the terminal manufacturer regarding application alternatives and application restrictions. If the third party mentioned above confirms that the user has breached or breaches the Agreement and the intervention of SDA Europe, SLU is required, this company may cancel access and use of the application at the request of the third party.

In the event of termination of access to and use of the Application, the User shall discontinue use of the Application and destroy all copies.

The user must assume all responsibilities for indemnification if SDA Europe, SLU and/or other users suffer losses arising from their breach of the terms stipulated in the Agreement.

Copyrights and Trademarks

SDA Europe, SLU owns all copyrights and other industrial and intellectual property rights of the content provided by this company through its applications (including the applications themselves, brands, logos, text, designs, graphics, images, maps , labels, distinctive signs, videos, sounds, and the products themselves) as well as the continent of the aforementioned content and its design, frames, source code, object, software, etc... used on the website and applications.

The modification, reproduction, communication, transformation or distribution of the application or the contents of the applications owned by SDA Europe, SLU is not permitted without the express written consent of the aforementioned company.

By sending any information or material to this website or the applications, the User expressly authorizes SDA Europe, SLU to use it free of charge, including the dissemination, reproduction, transmission, publication, retransmission and Shipping.

SDA Europe, SLU may exercise all the actions that assist it in case of infringement of these rights owned by SDA Europe, SLU

data security

SDA Europe, SLU uses all the computerized means and of all kinds, necessary to guarantee the security of the data of the Users once collected and, in any case, those means determined by the current regulations in this regard. In the cases in which Users make use of chats, forums or similar tools, they must remember that the information given in these cases is available to any other user, so they must be reserved in relation to the information that is disclosed to through these tools.


SDA Europe, SLU applications are designed and directed for audiences over 18 years of age. SDA Europe, SLU asks parents to supervise and control their children while they are online.

Mellerware Products and Services

The applications may contain references and data of services and products that may not be available at any time or in the territory of the User. To obtain information about these services or products, the User may go to their nearest SDA Europe, SLU center or contact the company through the means indicated in this same document.


If a competent authority declares any provision of these conditions of use invalid or null, it will be replaced by the valid one that most closely approximates the purpose and spirit of the former, the rest of the provisions being valid without any modification. The non-application or execution by SDA Europe, SLU of these conditions of use does not imply the waiver of its rights, which may be exercised at any time and the waiver of a specific right by SDA Europe, SLU must be understood as in the most restrictive way possible, not involving any waiver of other rights or the exercise of that same right in other circumstances or times. The titles or headings given to each of the sections of these conditions of use have been provided to facilitate their reading in such a way that they should not alter or affect their interpretation. The technical data and prices that appear on this website are correct except for typographical errors or omissions.


These Terms of Use and any relationship between the user and SDA Europe, SLU will be interpreted in accordance with Spanish law.