Empanada de dátiles con bacon

Date empanada with bacon

bea grandson   (@the_healthy__foodie)


23 pax


10 min


14 min

  • 1 Mass of rectangular puff pastry.
  • 8 bacon slices 95% meat.
  • 12 dates.
  • Beaten egg

Empanada de dátiles con bacon
Let's cook
  1. Remove the dough from the fridge and let it temper to be easy to handle.
  2. Use the Pizza mold accessory (in the case of not having this accessory, use a similar mold) to make the shape of the base. Use a knife to cut it well. Do the same for the empanada lid and reserve.
  3. Put the dough that will be used as a base, in the pizza mold and cover the walls.
  4. Hacer unos pequeños pinchos con ayuda de un tenedor para que se cocine bien.
  5. Colocar 4 lonchas de bacon en la base de forma que cubra todo.
  6. Añadir los dàtiles deshuesados por encima.
  7. Add the other 4 bacon slices above (it will help you place them in star form)
  8. With the other circular form of previously reserved puff pastry, place it as a lid and seal well on the sides.
  9. With what about puff pastry we decorate to taste.
  10. Paint with beaten egg.
  11. Cook in the air fryer 14 minutes at 180ºC.
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