Melocotones asados

roasted peaches

Roasted peaches with the air fryer.

roasted peaches

Roasted peaches with the air fryer.

Bastones de calabacín

zucchini sticks

Zucchini batons with the air fryer.

zucchini sticks

Zucchini batons with the air fryer.

Pinchos Morunos

Moorish Skewers

Moorish skewers with the fryer without oil

Moorish Skewers

Moorish skewers with the fryer without oil

Bolitas de mozzarella con mermelada de arándanos

Mozzarella balls with blueberry jam

Mozzarella balls with blueberry jam with the air fryer.

Mozzarella balls with blueberry jam

Mozzarella balls with blueberry jam with the air fryer.



Cachopo with the air fryer.


Cachopo with the air fryer.

Endivias braseadas

braised endives

Braised endives with the air fryer.

braised endives

Braised endives with the air fryer.