Tips para optimizar tu trastero o garaje

Tips to optimize your storage room or garage

Do you have a storage room or a garage and want to learn some tricks to make the most of them? First of all, we warn you that the steamer and the handheld vacuum cleaner will be essential to make a thorough cleaning . Next, it is important to emphasize that you will need organization and put into practice the tips that we provide in this article. In this article, we will discuss these issues in detail. In addition, we will give you some ideas so that you can give these spaces a use that, possibly, you had not thought of before. Let's start!

What utilities can a storage room or garage have?

In addition to storing junk or vehicles, these spaces may be used for Store belongings and personal belongings . There are many ways to use storage rooms and garages, but to make it easy for you, in this section you will find some ideas to get the most out of them. In this way, depending on your need, you can give it one use or another. The objective is that you can have an area to store belongings, both continuously and punctually, and they become functional rooms.


To give a first example, they are perfect for put things away when the seasons change . Thus, in summer, you can store all your winter coats and clothes in boxes to free up space in your home. Likewise, they are ideal spaces for Properly store large-volume items , such as bicycles, diving or ski equipment, or your children's toys (if you have them).

To give another example, we can add that they are also ideal for making a kind of pantry so that you never lack, among other things, rolls of toilet paper or jars of prepared food.

In case you are a student, or have a child who is, and you need store all the books, notebooks and notes , it will be a good choice to do it in these rooms. Thus, neither the study material from other years nor the one from the following year will bother you at home and you can leave them there until you return from vacation or when you need to use them.

If you are a DIY lover or you dedicate yourself to it professionally, you will be able to Safely store all your tools and even the jobs you have to finish. In addition, taking advantage of your knowledge in this sector, if you have any, we advise you to install some shelves in your storage room or garage so that the objects are put in boxes and have the order appropriate. If not, you can always ask a friend or relative to help you with the anchoring of the shelves and screws to the wall.

In relation to the boxes, try to have hermetic closure to prevent the entry of dirt. In addition, to know what each one has, you must write something related to its content with a permanent marker or put a sticker with the information.

Are you going to make reforms this summer in your house? Wonderfull idea! You can protect your furniture from construction or paint dust if you transport your furniture to one of these two spaces. Likewise, they are ideal places to store your suitcases in an organized way.

Tricks to achieve order in the storage room or garage

It's common sense, but the essential thing is Go organizing all the belongings and not piling them up , because you could even prevent it from being passed. First of all, we advise you to take advantage of the change of season to analyze the change, decide what works and what doesn't and how you are going to place each element and where.


There are times when useless things are stored, such as clothes from two decades ago that you will never wear again or technological devices that stopped working and were left in a pile. You have to lighten the content and make room for new belongings.

Also, this change of season is the ideal time to check for pests of some kind , such as cockroaches, or humidity problems . In that case, you should call specialists to solve the problem that has arisen.

Worry about putting one high intensity light bulb so that there is enough light and you can organize the objects and find what you are looking for when necessary. Likewise, you must not forget create a walkway so that access to space is comfortable. If you have to store large-volume belongings, we recommend the use of hangers to leave more space on the ground.

The importance of maintaining optimal cleanliness in the storage room or garage

In order to avoid the appearance of pests, as we have said before, or that our belongings fill with dust, it is crucial that you carry out a cleaning thorough, at least once a year. However, if you have now decided to make the most of your space and follow all the advice offered in this post, you should also get used to the idea that you should invest some time in sanitizing your space . For this, we recommend the use of two essential products, the handheld vacuum cleaner and the steamer .


On the one hand, the handheld vacuum cleaner It will allow you to reach all corners to suck the dirt. We recommend the use of Handy vacuum cleaner since, in addition to being wireless, it is valid for vacuuming both floors and shelves.

On the other hand, use a steamer It is the ideal solution for degreasing and, above all, disinfecting all parts of the storage room or garage in order to kill germs and bacteria. Specifically, as experts in household appliances, we invite you to try all the advantages that the Fush steamer. Its 9 accessories and 3 meters of cable make it practical as well as useful to leave the surfaces of your enclosure totally clean, including windows and doors.

In conclusion, we hope that it has become clear to you that the handheld vacuum cleaner and the steamer They are two essential elements to carry out cleaning in storage rooms and garages satisfactorily. In addition, we are convinced that if you put into practice the tips provided, you will get full use of your stay. Remember that it only depends on a good organization and filtering what is worth and what you should give away or throw away.

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